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Healing heART's 

Healing HeART Program addresses youth, young adults, adults, and families affected by gun violence, peer and community violence, acts of violence, and traumatic events that have occurred in their lives using art as a catalyst for change. 


heART Equity 

The Healing HeART Program addresses adults, educators and executives affected by or working in careers with individuals that face a high level of racial disproportionality and disparity. Participants within this program are generally those who work with or are directly affected by gun violence, peer, and community violence, acts of violence and other traumatic events that leave unseen scars. The project focuses on helping individuals understand how to better recognize their own implicit biases, structural racism and how people of color are disproportionately affected by gun violence and what they can do to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.


Exhibitions / Curation

We hosted a gun buy-back in the Twin Cities. Supported by the Minneapolis Police Department and The City of Minneapolis the weapons were decommissioned and distributed to Minnesota artists to create statements about the impact of gun violence in our community.


We have been able to engage the public, community leaders, organizations, elected officials, the media, etc. in respectful nonpartisan conversations around gun violence that ultimately lead to greater public awareness, conscientious community action, and responsible solutions to reducing gun violence.​

All rights reserved by Art is my Weapon

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